Photo Gallery
of Henry Dollin's Descendants

Click on the thumbnail images or links in the sets below to see a full sized version of each Dollin Family Photograph.

We invite family members and friends of the Dollin family to download the 'full sized' versions of these family photographs from the page links below onto their computers. Sharing copies of these photographs in this way will help preserve these irreplaceable images.

Dollin Family Tree

If you can provide us any additional photographs of members of this family in the first, second or third generations, please contact us!

First Generation in Australia

We have not yet located any photographs of Henry Dollin (baptised in Dunster, 1828) or his wife, Sarah Widlake.

Photo Needed

Henry Dollin

Photo Needed

Sarah Dollin (nee Widlake)

Second Generation in Australia

Three of Henry and Sarah's children survived to adulthood:

-- William Dollin who married Jane Hayes;

-- Walter Dollin (details unknown); and

-- Mary Ann Dollin who married Jeremiah Kelly.

The only photograph of members of this generation, that we have located so far, is of Jane Hayes, wife of William Dollin.

Photo Needed

William Dollin

Photo Needed

Walter Dollin

Photo Needed

Jeremiah Kelly and Mary Ann Dollin

Third Generation in Australia

William Dollin and Jane Hayes had four children:

-- Robert Dollin who married Lynetta Sullivan;

-- Henry Dollin who married Jane Rankin;

-- Mary Dollin who married John Gray;

-- and Eric Dollin who married Hilda James.

All photographs courtesy of Michael and Judy Straker

Dollin Family Tree

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